About Us

- Best Children's Dance School
- Best Dance School for Adults
- Best Summer Program
- Best Summer Camp
The Dance Project has proudly served this Community since 1984. Students are welcomed into a warm and nurturing environment, which lends itself to a positive dance experience. When students feel relaxed, they are more focused, feel as if they are a part of a team and therefore get more out of class. We are committed to providing you with a quality education at a reasonable price. This education includes teaching our students about dance vocabulary, dance history and dance icons. We create fun events to foster these aspects of learning. Events range from group trips to the City to take dance classes or see plays and performances, to "Movie" nights at the studio, to Photo Shoots, Workshops, Intensives & Performances. Dance is a lifestyle, one of poise and respect. Even at a young age, students learn about posture and carriage, and develop a sense of value and self-confidence. Studies conclusively show that, for many reasons, children who dance earn better grades in school.
The Dance Project offers classes in Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Pointe, Contemporary Modern, Hip-Hop, 3, 4, 5 & 6 year old Tap-Jazz Combo Classes, Wedding Party Preparation, Summer Camps, Winter Workshops and private dance lessons. We offer the latest innovations in dance education because our teachers keep current with the evolving dance world. Classes are age appropriate and designed by ability levels, from beginner to advanced. Our students range in age from 2 through adult. We work with families and never charge unnecessary or hidden fees. We even have an ongoing program where boys, 9 and up, may take Hip-Hop classes for free.
Giving back to the Community is important to us and enjoyable for the students. Over the years, we've performed at countless benefits, Girls Scout functions and street fairs, raised money for St. Mary's Hospital for Children and the American Lung Association and successfully implemented a program at The Margaret Tietz Nursing Home, just to name a few. These opportunities provide multiple performance opportunities for our students, in positive settings. We encourage our students to go on auditions, if they have the desire to, "Make It". We even help them through the process. Through encouragement, support and a passion for dance, our Competition team has now won many 1st place awards. We are very proud of all of our students.
The Dance Project has developed an honorable & dependable reputation throughout these many years. Thank you for visiting this website. We appreciate your interest and look forward to providing you with the quality education students have come to expect, and you deserve.
Sincerely yours,
Jean Leavey & Elizabeth Gatto (Directors)