Dancers Role & Dress Code
Dress Code
Our Discount Dance Discount Code is TP56158.
The Importance of a Dress Code for Dance: Wearing the proper attire enhances freedom of movement. You are a "Dancer" before you even enter the room! Unsuitable clothing makes it difficult for the teacher to properly observe posture and alignment. This observance is necessary to ensure correct execution of exercises, which prevents injuries.
Black Leotard
Ballet Pink Slippers
Ballet Pink Convertible or Stirrup Tights
Hair in Bun
Optional Skirt
Black Leotard
Black or Tan Tights
Black Flat Tap Shoes
Black Heeled Tap Shoes if Notified by Miss Jean
Hair in Ponytail or Bun
Optional Black Dance Shorts and TDP t-shirt
Black Leotard
Black or Tan Tights
Black Flat Jazz Shoes
Character Shoes if notified by Miss Elizabeth
Hair in Ponytail or Bun
Optional Black Dance Shorts and TDP t-shirt
Black Leotard
Black or Tan Convertible or Stirrup Tights
Tan Turning Shoes if Notified by Miss Elizabeth
Hair in Ponytail or Bun
Optional Black Dance Shorts
Black Dance Sneakers
Sweatpants/Leggings/Shorts and form fitting t-shirt or tank
Hair in Ponytail
No Jeans Permitted
Black Leotard
Black or Tan Convertible or Stirrup Tights
Tan Flat Jazz Shoes
Tan Turning Shoes
Hair in Bun
Black Leotard
Tan Convertible Body Tights
Dancer's Role
It is great fun to take dance class. You get out of dance what you put into it. If you love dance, learn it: read dance related books, watch dance videos, go see live shows, know your dance vocabulary and know your dance history icons. The studio is like a second home. Class is "your" time to focus and improve yourself.
Being part of a dance class should be an honor that recognizes your motivation towards developing yourself as a young artist. We feel fortunate to be surrounded by talented and enthusiastic individuals. We are confident that you will demand the same amount of excellence and professional behavior that we seek to establish. The following are guidelines to help you be the best you can be:
Be Neat:
Keep your hair off your face and neck. In Ballet class, secure your bun.
Don't Wear Jewelry:
It interferes with movement & could fly off. Small studs may be allowed, but never dangling earrings, bracelets or large necklaces. Avoid perfume, but deodorant is always welcomed!
Dress The Part:
Follow the dress code. Wear clean leotards & tights. You will dance better if you are in proper attire. Unsuitable clothing makes it difficult to properly observe posture & alignment. This observance is necessary to ensure correct execution of exercises, which prevents injuries. Shorts, sweats & t-shirts may only be worn for the "warm-up" section of class. Failure to adhere to the dress code will result in: 1st time- warning issued, 2nd time- asked to sit and observe class, 3rd time- parental intervention & possible dismissal.
Be respectful to those around you:
Dancers are polite. We don't lean against the wall or the barre, or sit down unless directed to do so. Yawning, talking, whispering, private giggles and crossed arms are signs of rudeness.
Pay Attention:
Watch and listen, especially when a correction is given. Work on corrections immediately. Even for professionals, class is not about being perfect. Be honored that the teacher feels you worthy of attention. Corrections improve your technique & prevent injuries. You can also improve your technique by watching your fellow dancers work through combinations.
Do the combination as given, and do it in its entirety:
Do not try to "improve" on a combination, do it as shown. Always finish. Even if you flub it completely, the discipline of dance requires that you finish it with as much poise as you can. Learning combinations can be tricky. You don't learn steps only with your mind, your muscles learn them too, ("Muscle Memory"). You can "Mark" a combination, but arm movements should always be done "Full Out". ("Marking" means to walk through the steps without doing them fully).
Absences & Tardiness:
Keep absences to a minimum. Habitual lateness and absences upset the balance of class. If you are late, ask permission to enter and, if you must leave early, tell your teacher before class. Frequent absences or tardiness will not be tolerated and may prompt expulsion from a class or a performance.
Never give up. Dance is hard work, but dance is Beautiful.